Thursday, October 9, 2014


What kind of dwarf is Oliver: Bashful. This whole trip he spent hiding behind corners, chairs, legs when forced to talk to a pretty girl. I don't know when this started, but when confronted with interacting with a young lady he was bashful to the point of paralysis. However - getting some attention from the disney princesses did not make him shrink.

Mary Poppins:

Me: Oliver wanted to know where you are from
MP: I'm from London, England. It's far across the ocean. Where are you from?
Oliver: Chicago.
Oliver: The Chicago BEars played the Jets. The Jets have zero and the BEars have fourteen.
MP: Are you talking about sport team?
Oliver: yes, football.
MP: Is it american football?
Oliver: yes, the chicago bears play the Jets.



R: Are you having fun today?
Oliver: Yeah, I went on the race cars. really fast.

R: I get to race maximus around the castle really fast. Maybe we should have a race
O: Ok

I thought he was going to ask me to schedule a race right then and there, his look was so delighted and serious.

Most of the other interactions were quiet with a lot of hands in the mouth or touching his groin. Weirdo. I don't know where this stuff comes from - but you certainly can't make this stuff up!

Thinking about going to a parenting seminar on preschooler emotions....

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